
Why V-day sucks.

Valentines day....Why do you exist?
Is it to make me feel bad for bieng single? Trust me you don't need to because society takes care of that. How many times have I been on the wrong side of the question...so do you have a boyfriend...answer no to that fucker and you get the look of shame. Let me explain the look to you, while say...getting your nails done... you are having a nice little conversation and telling them about life in general. Someone eventually starts talking about weddings or their pathetic little boy problems and then there it is. Try as you might you can't avoid the single girls dreaded question, you make an attempt to change the subject but it gets right back to men and then they say it. You contemplate for a minute just lying and giving them the answer they want, but then decide why lie and give them the dreaded no. Instantly their face drops and their eyes get wide, their mouth opens in shock and the scream out WHY??? You are so pretty. Whats wrong? And there is the big problem...any reasonably cute girl over the age of 18 should be linked to a guy. It's the validation that you are worthy in our society. Why? What the hell does it prove?
Thats why Valentines day sucks...its the embodiment of the idea that men validate you. This is why girls will run and start dating any asshole that shows interest. Seriously girls look around at your friends men...they suck. If I see another one of my friends hooking up with a loser I am going to scream. No kidding I have three friends that have boyfriends that I think are great, the rest I either don't know or just really don't like. Trust me I get the appeal of being part of a WE or using the beloved my boyfriend before every thought or opinion. BUT that should'nt be the reasoning behind dating every loser that crosses your path. I'm not saying be frosty McBitchy, date Mr. Right nows in hopes the now drops off, but if he talks like an asshole and walks like an asshole then he is an asshole and drop his loser ass.
So tomorrow on the bullshit holiday dedicated to lies and false promises, to being happy for the sake of acceptance I have a plan. I will spend the extra few minutes getting ready for work to ensure that all look a little cuter than usual and I will go out with my head held high. When people ask what my plans are I will say not a fucking thing and smile. I will make sure to buy myself a little treat, because I don't require a man to do that for me. And I will embrace the holiday because I can't make it go away. So Valentines day (the single girls enemy) I intend to befriend you, I will spend the day celebrating my relationship with MYSELF.

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